March 31, 2025
9335 5877
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Proxy Form (Enduring)
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Council Nomination Form
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About us
Our Services
Our Services
Our Fee Structure
South West Strata Management
Developer Services
Consultancy Services
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Strata Reforms
Sustainability in Strata
Our Portfolio
Proxy Form (Enduring)
Proxy Form (One-Off)
Council Nomination Form
Update Owner Information
Request Access Fob/Remote
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Update Owner Information
Owner Portal
Levy Payment Gateway
Council Nomination Form
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Your name or name of corporate entity (only list 1x name if you are a co-owner)
Being the registered owner of Lot #
Enter Lot number
Address this notice to the Chairperson for the Strata Company being The Owners of (scheme name)
Enter Scheme Name as listed on your AGM or Levy Notice (as per the strata plan)
Strata Plan Number
Enter Strata Plan number as listed on your AGM or Levy Notice
I hereby CONSENT to being nominated as a candidate for election to the council of the strata company at the forthcoming General Meeting (only) proceeding the date of this notice, and I make this declaration as:
The sole owner of the Lot, who hereby instructs my proxy holder to nominate myself as a candidate for election to the council in my absence should I be unable to attend the upcoming general meeting.
A co-owner of the Lot held jointly with two or more names on the Certificate of Title; who agree to nominate and hereby consent to my nomination as a candidate for election to the council (all co-owners must sign below):
The director or authorised director/secretary/attorney/officer/agent for the above-mentioned corporation, being the registered owner of the Lot which hereby nominates itself as a candidate for election to the council, with enduring authority granted to the proxy representative below (natural person) to speak and act on our behalf at any future meeting or resolution of the Council until this enduring proxy is revoked (list name of proxy below):
Name(s) of co-owners or proxy representative (natural person) for corporate nominee (if applicable)
Leave blank if sole owner or otherwise separate names of co-owners with semi-colon " ; "
Owner email
Required for authentication purposes - must match email address registered with the Strata Company
I acknowledge that this council nomination form will only be valid provided that I have also submitted a valid PROXY FORM for the meeting and that I have paid all outstanding levies prior to the meeting to be deemed 'financial'. SEE PROXY FORMS AVAILABLE ON OUR WEBSITE
I acknowledge that submitting a council nomination form does not guarentee my election to the council which will depend on the number of nominations received and voting outcome at the meeting.
Signature of owner and all co-owners, or in the case of an incorporated entity, the signature of an authorised Director/Secretary/Attorney/Officer/Agent for the incorporated entity
Clear Signature